Teaching assistant English

Teaching assistant English

From 2 weeks
Teaching assistant English

Placement locations: Nanyuki

Types of schools: Elementary

Age of students: 6 – 18

Class sizes: 30+

Role: Teaching assistant (English)

Requirements: None

Extra-curricular roles: Art, Drama, Sports

Accommodation: Host families

Length of placement: From 2 weeks

Start dates: Flexible

You don’t need to be qualified to apply. You need to have a heart full of passion to help and grow skills while working for us.

You will get a certificate to show that you work at our School  as a volunteer or intern.


In the community your hard work and efforts will be greatly appreciated. From living like a local within a village to community work through local schools, an education centre and community centre, your time on our summer program will be well-spent to make sure you have a positive impact in the surrounding villages.

All the communities with which we work are Located along the stunning

Mount Kenya /Kenya Safari

This means that most days you’ll be able to squeeze in some quality

Trek Mount Kenya / Safari time!

What better way to reward your efforts.